Fillet of Sea Trout with Crushed Peas and Girolles

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Appears in
British Seasonal Food

By Mark Hix

Published 2008

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Peas and fish are a perfect match, and scattering a few girolles or other seasonal wild mushrooms on top makes it even better. I like to crush the peas with a little fish stock so they act rather like a sauce. If you can’t find girolles, then any other wild mushroom will do.


  • 4 sea trout fillets (with skin), each about 150 g
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1


First prepare the crushed peas. Cook the peas in boiling salted water with the sugar until almost tender, then drain. Melt half the butter in a pan and gently cook the shallot for a few minutes until softened. Add the peas and stock, season and simmer over a medium heat for 3-4 minutes until most of the stock has evaporated. Tip into a food processor and whiz briefly to a coarse purée, then ret