Autumn Fruit and Nut Crumble

Preparation info
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Appears in
British Seasonal Food

By Mark Hix

Published 2008

  • About

There are lots of fruits and nuts around now that lend themselves to a tasty crumble. I’ve added plums to a mix of pears and apples here, but you could use all apples or pears and add a couple of handfuls of autumn berries.


  • 500 g cooking apples
  • 500 g firm, ripe pears
  • 6-8


Preheat the oven to 190°C/gas 5. Peel, halve and core the apples and pears, then cut into large chunks and place in an ovenproof dish. Add the plums and sugar and toss to mix. Cover the dish with a lid or foil and