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Shepherd’s Pie or Cottage Pie

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By Gary Rhodes

Published 1999

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This dish has become as classic as our great steak and kidney pie, and began, like bubble and squeak, as a way of using up leftovers. The pieces of cooked meat – usually tough mutton – would be cut up small and pounded in the mortar to soften them before being topped with stock and mashed potato. Often, nowadays, we use cold lamb, add chopped onion, carrot and a splash of Worcestershire sauce, and then top it with mashed potato or even sliced cooked potato. Shepherd’s pie is a dish I enjoy

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Diana Chan
from United Kingdom

Very flavourful from the cinnamon, thyme and rosemary. I should have dropped the ketchup - it made the meat mixture too sweet, a fault which could only be cured by adding more salt.

from United Kingdom

Excellent – but did you try Gary's famous Shepherd's Pie Fritters yet?

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