Vegetarian Stock

Preparation info
  • Makes

    4 cups

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Chinese-ish: Home cooking, not quite authentic, 100% delicious

By Joanna Hu and Rosheen Kaul

Published 2022

  • About

This recipe is for a flavourful stock that will need to be seasoned further if you wish to serve it as a soup. Don’t be tempted to add soy sauce, because the flavour from the shiitake mushrooms and the umami from the kombu are beautiful and need only some gentle enhancement with salt. I repeat: no soy! Start this stock the night before.


  • 50 g ( oz) dried shiitake mushrooms
  • 8 cups (2


Soak the shiitake mushrooms overnight in enough cold water to cover, ensuring you weigh them down with something, such as a small bowl. If you’re in a rush, just soak them in warm water for 20-30 minutes or until they’re nice and soft. Reserve both the shiitake-infused water and the shiitake mushrooms.

If using whole kombu pieces, soak them overnight in a large saucepan or stockpot with