Mango Salsa

Preparation info
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Classic Bull

By Stephen Bull

Published 2001

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Look for a mango that smells sweet and feels firmish, not hard or soft, to the touch.


  • ¼ a large ripe mango, or 1 small
  • 1 sweet red pepper
  • 2 firm ripe tomatoes


Preheat the grill to very hot.

Peel the mango (a swivel-bladed peeler is best, but a very sharp small knife will do). Cut wedges along the long axis (i.e. from top to bottom), rather like removing the segments of an orange from between their membranes. Cut into 5mm dice. Remove the stalk from the top of the pepper and cut into 4 pieces, going from top to bottom. Remove the ribs and seed