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Broccoli and Coconut Curry

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Rose Elliot's Complete Vegan

By Rose Elliot

Published 2019

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This is so quick and easy to make and absolutely delicious. If you have an onion, a can of coconut milk and some rice in the cupboard, and some vegan curry paste in the fridge, you only need to buy a couple of fresh ingredients and you’ve got your meal.


  • 1 large or 2 small heads of broccoli (about 500 g/1 lb <


Bring a shallow saucepan of water to the boil, add the broccoli and boil for about 5 minutes, or until it is tender to the point of a knife. Drain and set aside.

Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a separate saucepan over a low heat. Add the onion and garlic and fry gently for 7–10 minutes, until tender.

Stir in the curry paste and coconut milk and gently heat through, then stir i

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