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Vanilla, Orange or Lemon Thins

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Appears in
The Cooking of the Mediterranean

By Jane Grigson

Published 1991

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Make up this dough and keep it in the refrigerator or freezer. You can then cut off thin slices for baking, as required. Vanilla sugar is made by keeping a vanilla pod in a jar of sugar. Orange or lemon thins are flavoured with the grated rind of one fruit and a 15 ml spoon (1 tablespoon) of its juice instead.


  • 225 g (8 oz) softened, slightly salted butter
  • 225 g (8


Mix all ingredients except the flavouring and extra sugar into a dough, then add whichever flavouring you like. Form into an even roll in a piece of greaseproof paper, and chill until it is firm enough to slice very thinly – about 1½ hours.

Line baking sheets with non-stick vegetable parchment and arrange the slices on them, with plenty of room for the thins to spread. Sprinkle over ext

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