Special Chestnut and Parsnip Stuffing for Turkey or Goose

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Cooking for Christmas

By Josceline Dimbleby

Published 1978

  • About

This is the least stodgy stuffing I know: sweet, aromatic, almost a dish on its own. Dried mushrooms are expensive and not strictly necessary, but they do add to the flavour.


  • ¾ oz (20 g) packet of dried mushrooms
  • ¼ pint (150


First put the dried mushrooms in a bowl with the hot water and soak for 2 hours or so. Then peel the ginger and garlic and chop them together finely. Chop the dried apricots fairly small. Peel the parsnips and chop them into small pieces.

Melt the butter with the olive oil over a medium heat in a large frying-pan. Add the parsnips and stir them around for 8-12 minutes until they are alm