Eric Widmer’s Succotash

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Appears in
Cooking for Crowds

By Merry White

Published 1974

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This recipe can only be attempted in mid-to late summer, when the ingredients are in season. No use trying to make it with frozen or canned vegetables, for its chief virtue lies in its freshness, in the true taste of the beans and corn. It is an unusual succotash, in that it uses fresh shell beans instead of limas.


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Shuck the corn, parboil it in a large kettle of boiling water, and run it under cold water. Scrape the kernels from the ears into a saucepan.

Shell the beans, then, in a large kettle of boiling water, cook them at a rolling boil for 15 to 20 minutes. Taste one to see that they are done—they should not be overdone at all, and at this stage it is much better for them to have a slight “bit