Passionfruit Ice Cream

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By Tessa Kiros

Published 2004

  • About

This is my friend Carl’s recipe. He is an excellent cook and likes to serve this with crisp, deep-fried, sugar-dusted pastry ribbons. This is one of my favourite favourites.


  • 250 ml (1 cup) pouring (single) cream
  • 250 ml (


Put the cream, milk and sugar in a bowl and stir until dissolved. Cover and put the bowl in the freezer. After an hour, remove the bowl from the freezer and give an energetic whisk with a hand whisk or electric mixer, then return it to the freezer. Whisk again after another couple of hours, this time whisking in the lemon rind, juice and passionfruit pulp. Return it to the freezer. When it is n