Chanterelle Ravioli in Saffron Corn Broth

Preparation info
  • 4

    Servings (makes about 20 ravioli)
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Fantastic Fungi: The Community Cookbook

By Eugenia Bone

Published 2022

  • About

I used to pick chanterelles in Seattle, and every time I found a good patch, it would end up clear-cut and, later, the site of a new house. It wasn’t until I lived in Florida that I could find bucketloads of these mushrooms, and they were absolutely gorgeous. I developed this recipe for those beautiful little Floridian chanterelles. Not a soup, this is a pasta dish with the ravioli swimming in a delicate broth. I like to make this dish in the summer, when the chanterelles and corn are in se