Grilled Fillet of Red Mullet with Tapenade

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Fine Family Cooking

By Tony Bilson

Published 1994

  • About

Red mullet (rouget) is one of the most highly-priced Mediterranean fish. It has a delicate texture and rich flavour. The larger variety is the most priced as the bones are easier to deal with. This recipe can be used successfully with other soft-fleshed fish.


  • 6 x 250 g (8 oz) red mullet
  • 6 ripe tomatoes
  • salt<


Fillet the mullet. Remove the bones using tweezers. You can save the backbones and heads and use them for making stock.

Peel and quarter the tomatoes. Remove the seeds and the internal flesh and reserve. Season the external flesh with salt and pepper. Set aside.

To make the sippets

Heat the oil in a frying pan or skillet and cook the garlic