Artichokes Stuffed with Red Mullet Mousse and Hollandaise Sauce

From the Restaurant L’Armada, Cancale, France

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


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By Keith Floyd

Published 1985

  • About


  • 4 globe artichokes
  • 10 oz (275 g) fillet of red mullet, skinned


Remove the stalk from each artichoke. Then, with a very sharp knife, cut off the top of the artichoke, about two-thirds from the base. Discard the tops.

Boil the artichokes in salted water until tender (when the outer leaves can be easily detached) - about 40 minutes. Strain and leave to cool. Hold the artichoke carefully, so that the big leaves do not fall off and, with your forefinger