Boar with Red Wine and Coriander Seeds

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By Clarissa Dickson Wright and Johnny Scott

Published 2004

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This is another Cypriot recipe used to cook the half wild pigs that run loose in the hills. I really like the combination. Don’t be put off by the amount of coriander seeds and remember, only pulvrize it as you need it.


  • 3-pound piece boar loin
  • 6 teaspoons coriander seeds, pounded in a mortar


Cut the rind from the meat, score the fat on the boar, and cut the removed rind into small pieces and keep. Rub the boar vigorously with half the ground coriander and a generous sprinkling of pepper. Cover, and leave for 3 hours, then pour the wine over it, cover again, and leave overnight. Remove from the marinade and dry well.

Preheat the oven to