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Lentil, Eggplant, and Pomegranate Bowl


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Appears in
The Gaza Kitchen: A Palestinian Culinary Journey

By Laila El-Haddad and Maggie Schmitt

Published 2021

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This unusual late-summer vegetarian dish, known as habbit rumanna by Palestinians from Yaffa and El Lydd, combines sour pomegranate juice— extracted from a unique variety of green pomegranate known as the Babylonian White Pomegranate—with lentils and eggplants. As white pomegranates are probably not available, this recipe substitutes their juice with diluted pomegranate molasses. A perfect dish for bidding goodbye to summer on the first cool day of f

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from Australia

It was vego night at home, so the CKBK search function found me this based on available ingredients. It is a homestyle dish, comforting, with a melange of flavours from the tingle of chilli, tang of pomegranate and nuttiness of tahini. The topping of crispy onion and pomegranates added texture. We served it with a dollop of yoghurt and some bread. I found the serving size was closer to 4-5 people. Or maybe it was so good we wanted more…

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