Kidney Toast

Per Fare Crostate, Cioe Pan Ghiotto con Rognon di Vitella Arrostito Nello Spedo

Preparation info
  • Serves


    as first course
    • Difficulty


Appears in
Great Cooks and Their Recipes

By Anne Willan

Published 1977

  • About

Crostate are crisp little morsels often on a base of fried or toasted bread or sometimes pastry; and they are the ancestors of the crisp French croustades made of bread or pastry. As crostini (crostate has come to mean a sweet open pie), they are still a favorite Italian first course, often made with chicken livers or cheese; here Scappi uses veal kidneys in a spicy sauce. Pomegranate juice, with its fruity tartness, was a seasoning the Italians picked up from the Arabs