Tagliata di Manzo con Purea di Cavolfiore e Pesto di Basilico e Aglio Selvatico

Beef Tagliata with Cauliflower Purée, Wild Garlic and Basil Pesto

Preparation info
  • Serves:


    • Difficulty


    • Ready in

      3 hr 30

Appears in
4 Grosvenor Square

By Danilo Cortellini

Published 2016

  • About

This sophisticated main course is ideal for a special or formal meal. It may not seem so Italian, but it originates from the traditional Tuscan beef tagliata. A rare beef steak grilled and sliced, the original recipe calls for it to be simply served with rocket and cherry tomatoes. However, I created my own version of this dish boasting a delicious assortment of flavours from ingredients I have come across since moving to the UK. The beef jus is optional when serving as the di