Mixed Sweet and Hot Pepper Relish


Preparation info
  • Makes

    250 to 350 ml

    • Difficulty


Appears in
Hot and Spicy

By Marlena Spieler

Published 1985

  • About

This condiment of roasted, peeled and chopped peppers is as attractive as it is delicious. A Romanian version leaves the peppers whole and adds a hefty dose of paprika to the dressing. Enjoy with grilled meats, especially paprika- and cumin-spiced minced meat patties cooked over an open fire, and crusty bread to soak up the juices.


  • 225 g/8 oz red and green peppers
  • 225 g/


  1. Roast, peel, seed and coarsely chop the peppers. Refer to Roasting and Peeling Chillies and Peppers.
  2. Combine with the garlic, olive oil, vinegar and salt. The mixture may be liquidized for a smoother consistency.