Fish Baked in a Dough Jacket

Preparation info
  • Serves

    Four to Six

    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Complete Guide to Traditional Jewish Cooking

By Marlena Spieler

Published 2016

  • About

Wrap a whole fish up in bread dough then bake until the dough becomes a crisp case and the fish a flavourful, tender filling. Serve with a zchug or hoisin sauce.


  • about 1 kg/ lb whole fish, such as grey mullet, red snapper or pompano, skinned and cleaned
  • flaked


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas 4. Pat the fish dry with kitchen paper and sprinkle inside and out with salt. Cover and chill the fish until the dough is ready for use.
  2. Put the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl and stir in the yeast evenly. M