Barbara’s Mum’s Spinach Polpettine

Preparation info
  • Serves


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Appears in
Limoncello and Linen Water

By Tessa Kiros

Published 2012

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This recipe comes from Diana, my neighbour’s mum. She is a great cook. It’s very easy to make, with only a few ingredients, and it is healthy and always appreciated. Serve as a first course instead of pasta or rice.


  • 650 g (1 lb 7 oz) young English spinach, trimmed (500


Cook the spinach in boiling salted water for a few minutes. Drain it very well, pressing out the water. Cool, then chop it up fine and put in a bowl. Add the ricotta, a good grating of nutmeg, the parmesan and egg, mixing it all well together. Taste for salt and pepper.

Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F/Gas 4)