Plaice with Spiced Razor Clams

Cumin-roast Spear-caught Plaice with Cauliflower Champ and Spiced Razor Clams

Preparation info
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Appears in
On The Menu: Seasonal Recipes for a Culinary Life

By James Mackenzie

Published 2011

  • About

I use spear-caught plaice that I get from Nick and Ben at Portland Shellfish. The plaice are hand-speared in an area near the Shambles Bank in Dorset, known as Portland Bill, where the fish congregate on mussel beds and feed throughout the season in summer. The divers fish to a depth of between 30-35 metres and, due to the powerful tides in the area, they can only fish on the small ‘neap’ tides and only at ‘slack’ water when the flow is at its least ferocious. They operate from hand-launche

