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Gotland Fish Stew

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Appears in
Potty!: Clarissa's One Pot Cookbook

By Clarissa Dickson Wright

Published 2010

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Gotland is a Swedish island off the east coast of Sweden, and this regional dish is a good way of using flat fish. Flounder, sole of some description, or plaice are ideal, although you can use other fish instead, such as ling or cod, but in that case cut them into thin fillets.


  • 10 g (½ oz) butter
  • 5 or 6 large potatoes, sliced


Butter the bottom of a flameproof casserole and make alternate layers of potatoes and leeks, starting with potatoes, sprinkling each layer with chives and parsley, seasoning with salt and pepper as you go and adding a little of the horseradish. When you have finished, add enough water to cover. Cook, covered, over a low heat for 20-30 minutes or until the potatoes are almost done.

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