Tropical spiced fruit salad

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Appears in
Prue: My All-time Favourite Recipes

By Prue Leith

Published 2018

  • About

I sometimes serve this on Christmas night, when everyone is overfull of turkey and plum pud. Fruit salads can be boring in winter without our wonderful summer fruits, but a mix of tropical fruit with a hint of festive spice is great.


For the syrup

  • 1 lime
  • 100 g caster sugar
  • 3 black peppercorns


  1. For the syrup, thinly pare the rind from the lime and put it in a small saucepan. Squeeze the lime juice into the pan and add the other syrup ingredients and 150 ml water. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 6–8 minutes until the volume is reduced by roughly half and the cons