Lasagne salad with artichokes, avocado, fennel and mozzarella

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By Paul Gayler

Published 2006

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The ultimate up-market pasta salad, thin stacked layers of pasta encasing a delicious salad of artichoke, buttery avocado and fennel. Pre-prepared or manufactured pasta sheets could be substituted if necessary.


  • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
  • pinch of fresh saffron
  • 1 head of


Bring 150 ml water to the boil in a small pan with the coriander seeds and saffron. Add the fennel and cook for 2-3 minutes, remove it and leave to cool. Reduce the cooking liquid by half. Set aside.

For the dressing, whisk the egg yolk, mustard, garlic and vinegar in a bowl, then slowly ad