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Irish stew

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Appears in
The Richard Corrigan Cookbook

By Richard Corrigan

Published 1999

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There is some controversy about whether carrots should be included in this dish. Escoffier says no, but then what would a Frenchman know about Irish stew? I like them. Cold pickled red cabbage is a traditional accompaniment in Ireland — you can use the recipe.


  • 2 middle necks of lamb, filleted, boned and bones reserved
  • 450 g floury potatoes, such as King Edward, peeled
  • 450


When the butcher bones the lamb for you, have him give you the bones too. Make a well-flavoured stock using the bones and the trimmings from the carrots and onion, plus other vegetables and herbs you like. You need about 900 ml of lamb stock.

Cut the lamb into large chunks and put in a heav

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