Blackcurrant Cream

Preparation info
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Appears in
What to Eat Now (Spring & Summer)

By Valentine Warner

Published 2009

  • About

What on earth possessed me to include this, I don’t know. I cannot take this pudding seriously - it just gives me the giggles. Nonetheless, this mad, wobbling breast of a thing is delicious.


  • 500 g fresh blackcurrants, plus a handful to decorate
  • 100 g caster sugar, plus extra if needed


Strip the blackcurrants from their stalks with a fork and put in a saucepan with the sugar and water. Cook gently for 10 minutes or until well softened, stirring often. Remove from the heat and press the berries through a fine sieve to make a smooth purée. You should end up with about 300ml. Stir in the cassis and set aside.

Put the gelatine sheets in a bowl and cover with cold water. S