Preparation info
  • Tea for


    • Difficulty


Appears in
What to Eat Now (Spring & Summer)

By Valentine Warner

Published 2009

  • About

Being of a fidgety nature, sitting still is difficult. I love endless little excursions. Vis-à-vis office work, the devil on my shoulder comes in the vision of mint tea. The computer is deserted and out the door I am again, sitting in the Moroccan café sipping this sweet distraction.


  • 2 heaped teaspoons gunpowder green tea
  • a small bunch of mint, plus 2


If it’s a proper tea glass it will have a plastic or metal cradle with a handle.

If not, diagonally fold over a paper napkin into a triangle, then wrap it around the glass and twist the ends to secure it.

Heat the kettle, but switch it off just before it comes to the boil. I have come to learn that tea should not be scalded. Brew the tea in a teapot with the mint and sugar. Leav