Duck’s liver with sweet pears and Szechuan pepper

Higado de pato con pera y pimiento Szechuan

Preparation info
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Appears in
New Tapas: Today's Best Bar Food from Spain

By Fiona Dunlop

Published 2002

  • About

Duck’s liver is the creamiest, smoothest liver you can get, and in Paco Guzman’s recipe it is perfectly combined with fresh poached pear and a hint of mild Szechuan pepper - although you can use chicken’s liver if duck’s liver isn’t available. This is a rich tapa and you won’t need second helpings!


  • 60 g ( oz) sugar
  • 5 tbsp water


  1. Mix the sugar and water in a pan and heat until the sugar has dissolved. Add the pears and poach until it is just tender. Drain the pears, reserving the liquid, and set the fruit aside. Bring the liquid to the boil and boil until syrupy. Return the pears to the liquid and mix well.
  2. Sauté the liver in the oil until it is lightly browned on each side. Arrange on