Fishcake skewers in seaweed soup

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Taste of Korea

By Young Jin Song

Published 2011

  • About

Fishcakes are widely eaten as street snacks as they are hearty, flavoursome and easy to cook. This Japanese-style dish is a classic example, with the tender fishcake cooked on skewers in a rich, seaweed-flavoured soup. Perfect for a quick bite!


  • 16 fishcake slices or fish balls
  • 16 wooden skewers


  1. Pierce each slice of fishcake or fish ball with a wooden skewer, and then set aside.
  2. To make the dip, mix the dark soy sauce and sesame seeds in a small dish, adding the wasabi paste to taste.
  3. To make the soup, put the radish in a pan with the seaweed and 2 litres<