Apple Charlotte with Stem Ginger

Preparation info
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Appears in
What to Eat Now (Autumn & Winter)

By Valentine Warner

Published 2008

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A molten hot volcano of appleyness, Charlotte really is a winning pudding and an excellent way of using a glut of apples that might be left lying around in the grass. I am a huge fan of ginger, but by all means leave it out if you are not, or replace it with something else - although I would not recommend cola cubes.


  • 6 Cox, Braeburn or Russet apples
  • 4 knobs of stem ginger in syrup, with


Preheat the oven to its maximum.

Peel and core the apples, and chop them coarsely. Put them in a pan with the ginger syrup, lemon juice and 3 tablespoons water. Simmer them gently until they are totally soft, about 20 minutes. Purée the apple mixture with a blender stick until it is the texture of baby food - if it is too runny, it can always be reduced a little. (I would note here that