Bacon + herb crumbed fillet of rabbit with rabbit liver faggots

Preparation info
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Appears in
Wild Weed Pie: A Lifetime of Recipes

By Janni Kyritsis and Roberta Muir

Published 2006

  • About

Faggots are tasty balls of coarsely minced pork and liver mixed with some breadcrumbs, onion and herbs, and wrapped in caul fat. They can be fried or baked.



Cut 2 fillets from each rabbit. Remove the livers and kidneys, then dice and reserve for the faggots. Cut enough meat from the front legs and belly flaps of the rabbits to make up 600 g when combined with the liver and kidneys, then dice and reserve for the faggots.

To make the faggots, preheat oven to 200°C<