Chocolate mousse + coffee granita

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Appears in
Wild Weed Pie: A Lifetime of Recipes

By Janni Kyritsis and Roberta Muir

Published 2006

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This rich, French-influenced chocolate mousse is served with a refreshing Italian-style coffee granita. I like the contrast of the 2 dishes in this dessert. It could never be taken off the menu at MG Garage, as it was my friend Roberta’s favourite.


Cut the 300 g chocolate into pieces, place in a bowl over a saucepan of hot (definitely not boiling) water (making sure the bowl does not touch the water), allow to melt completely, then keep lukewarm (if the chocolate cools down too much it will be hard to incorporate and might leave lumps). Whisk eggs and egg yolks in the bowl of an electric mixer until pale-almost white-and full of air. Mean