Braised cavolo nero

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Appears in
Winter Food

By Jill Norman

Published 2005

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Cavolo nero retains a firm texture after long cooking; undercooked it is decidedly chewy and tough. Red onion and garlic partner it well, and I sometimes spice it with a little ground coriander or allspice.


  • 3 red onions, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 cloves


Sweat the onions gently for 5 minutes in the oil in a wide pan. Add the garlic to the onions, then the cavolo nero and pour over enough stock to cover the leaves by half. Season lightly. Replace the lid and braise for 20–30 minutes over a low heat, turning the cavolo nero from time to time.

Serve with venison. Braised Hare or