Seeding & juicing pomegranates

Appears in
The Art of Preserving

By Lisa Atwood, Rebecca Courchesne and Rick Field

Published 2012

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To seed a pomegranate, first quarter it, and then drop the quarters into a large bowl of water. Working underwater, remove the seeds, which will fall to the bottom of the bowl, then scoop off the peel and pith floating on top and drain. Rather than juice the pomegranate as you would an orange (which can impart a bitter flavor from the membrane), remove the seeds and place them in a nonreactive saucepan. Cover and cook over medium-low heat for 20–25 minutes. Press the seeds through a fine-mesh sieve to strain the juice. You will need about 6 pomegranates for 1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) juice.