Making and Using a Paper Cone

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By James Peterson

Published 2009

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  1. Fold a square of parchment paper in half on the diagonal. Cut it in two across the fold so you end up with two triangles.

  2. Lift one of the pointier tips of one the triangles (marked “A”) and curve it under so that the tip of a cone begins to form along the long length (hypotenuse) of the paper triangle.

  3. Lift up the opposing pointy tip (marked “C”) and curve it around the first cone you formed.

  4. Line up all the tips of the triangles and pick up the cone between your thumb and forefinger.

  5. Fold the tips down into the cone.

  6. Fill the cone and fold one corner down, then fold over the folds. To use, snip off the tip to let the filling flow out.