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How to... Store Cheese

Appears in
The Cook's Book of Everything

By Lulu Grimes

Published 2009

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Cheese needs to be stored carefully. It needs humidity, yet it must not get wet. Never freeze cheese, or wrap it in plastic. If you buy it packed in plastic wrap, remove it immediately and wrap it in waxed paper, foil or in a cloth cheese bag. If the cheese comes properly wrapped by the cheesemaker, use that wrapping. After that, store it in an unsealed box in the vegetable crisper of your fridge.
Washed-rind cheeses should be wrapped as above and kept in cool, damp humid conditions. Blue cheese can be stored at colder temperatures, preferably wrapped in wax paper, and must not be stored touching other foods. Store cut hard cheeses (such as cheddar) and grain cheeses (such as parmesan) in a cloth cheese bag, or cover the cut surface (never the rind) with waxed paper or foil. Store fresh cheese at cooler temperatures (about 4ยฐC/39ยฐF), but try to eat them fairly quickly.

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