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The Story of Joha and the Turnips

Appears in
Delights from the Garden of Eden

By Nawal Nasrallah

Published 2019

  • About
Joha is a popular comic character in Islamic folklore. While at times he is shrewd and clever enough to play practical jokes on people, he is also presented as a naïve person who easily becomes the butt of numerous jokes. The following is my favorite:

Once Joha went to pay homage to the Caliph and as the custom required he took with him a present – a basketful of nabq/nabug [lotus jujube], which by common consent was a very humble fruit. Naturally, the Caliph was offended, and ordered that Joha be stoned with every nabq fruit he brought with him. Each time he was hit by one, Joha would say, ‘Alhamdu lil-lah wal-shukr’ [May God be praised and thanked]. The Caliph was surprised and asked for an explanation. Joha told him that he was thanking God that he had listened to his wife, who suggested the nabq, as opposed to his initial choice, turnips.

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