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Tablet 8958 (containing approximately 200 lines of text)

Appears in
Delights from the Garden of Eden

By Nawal Nasrallah

Published 2019

  • About
This tablet is much longer than the previous one, and in its approximately 200 lines of text, only seven recipes are given. They all deal with preparations of various types of birds, both domestic and wild, presented in an extensively detailed manner.

The writer of the tablet, for instance, felt the need to specify that the cooked bird should be put on the platter ‘lying on its back’. He also gave substitutes, such as using ‘baru’ (ground grain) if ‘kisimmu’ (kishk, dried sour milk) was not available. He further gives instructions to serve the dish before it cools off, and suggests that ‘garlic, greens, and vinegar’ are to be served with the dish. As to what to do with leftovers of the broth, ‘it can be eaten later, by itself,’ he suggests.

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