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Great Chefs, Great Cities

Appears in
Delights from the Garden of Eden

By Nawal Nasrallah

Published 2019

  • About
Location: Ur, Ancient Sumer; Time: 2900–2300 bc

Within the domain of the household, women were responsible for preparing the meals. However, the haute cuisine of the privileged at the temple and the palace was monopolized by male chefs, called ‘muhaldim’ in Sumerian (Akkadian ‘nuhatimmu’), who were assisted by other professionals such as preparers, embellishers responsible for food presentation, bread bakers, and the ‘kakardinnu,’ the pastry chefs. These were all honorable occupations and carried prestige. Outside the royal kitchens, there were other specialized food providers such as the ones who made condiments and sauces like ‘siqqu’ from fermented fish and locusts (Bottéro, The Oldest Cuisine).

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