Pan to Oven

Appears in
Dirty: Dirty Food For Your Filthy Chops

By Mark Studley

Published 2022

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Pan to Oven (180g to 220g). This is my go-to method when I want to make a nice chunky burger. Preheat your oven to about 220°c. Shape the burger using your hands. Get a frying pan nice and hot, then put the burger in the pan and season the top side. Cook for a couple of minutes, then flip it over, season and leave for a couple more minutes. Remove from the heat, transfer the burger to a baking tray and put it in the hot oven to finish cooking for about 8-10 minutes, depending on how you want it cooked and how thick the burger is. Finish off by placing a cheese slice on top of the burger to melt in the oven. I’d only use one of these patties in a bun, but you can double up if you want full on meat sweats.