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647 Special Consommes for Suppers

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By Auguste Escoffier

Published 1903

  • About
These special Consommés for suppers whether hot or cold, are always served in Consommé cups and should not be garnished. They should, however, be perfect in every detail, of great delicacy and absolute clarity.

They are prepared by the same method as all other Consommés, it being necessary only to slightly increase the amount of meat used in the clarification and to add to this clarification the correct amount of aromatic and flavouring ingredients which determine the character of the finished Consommé. For example, a few extra pieces of celery should be added to the clarification if the Consommé is to be designated à l’Essence de Céleri, some sliced morels if à l’Essence de Morille or some roasted partridges if au Fumet de Perdreau etc.

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