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3597 Feathered Game

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By Auguste Escoffier

Published 1903

  • About
If it was necessary to list each and every edible wild bird the list would be far too long so only those in general use are given. There are 10 main categories of game birds:
  1. The various species of Pheasant; grey, red, rock and American Partridge.
  2. Hazel Grouse, Capercaillie, Sand Grouse, Grouse, Pintailed Grouse, Bustards.
  3. The various species of wild duck; Teals, Pintails.
  4. Snipe and Woodcook.
  5. Various species of Plover; Lapwings, Sandpipers, Water Rails, Moorhens, Scoters.
  6. Quails, Corncrakes.
  7. Thrushes and Blackbirds.
  8. Larks.
  9. Warblers, Jacksnipes.
  10. Buntings.

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