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Basic Method


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By Asa Simonsson

Published 2019

  • About
Kimchi can be made using dry fermentation, but traditional kimchi is made by soaking the vegetables in salty water for several hours. This method is not dry-salt fermentation or brine fermentation; perhaps it can be described as in-between. In my opinion the following method is the best, and most similar to that used in a classic Korean recipe.

Making the brine. The kimchi brine should be fairly salty with 45–60 g/1½–2 oz or 3–4 tbsp of salt to every litre/1¾ pints of filtered water. It is easiest to warm a small amount of the water so that the salt melts and dissolves. However, a good-quality salt should dissolve fairly quickly. If heated up allow the brine to cool to room temperature before using.

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