Appears in
Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

advieh the Persian name for a spice mixture, includes a wide range of such products, indeed an almost infinite range, given that even in modern times the mixtures are normally prepared in the home, according to the preferences and practices of the cook and the particular purpose of a given mixture. Not every Persian housewife uses it every time. Some cooks only sprinkle a little turmeric or cinnamon, or perhaps a little powdered coriander seed for fragrance or a bayleaf to ‘cut’ the muttony flavour of the meat, while others will make up a blend or even several different blends: one for delicate and fragrant dishes, another for hearty day-to-day meals, and a third for an aromatic sprinkling when serving festive dishes. The individual sprinklings or the blends are all known collectively as Advieh.