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Coconut Ice

Appears in
Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

coconut ice a traditional home-made English confection made from grated coconut mixed with sugar syrup cooked to the thread stage (see sugar boiling). The mixture is stirred, giving a slightly grainy texture. Often half the mixture is coloured pink, the rest being left white. One batch is poured on top of the other to set, giving a striped confection when cut. Fresh coconut is said to give the best flavour, but desiccated coconut is frequently used.

This confection is not frozen. How it came to be referred to as ‘ice’ is unknown; possibly natural colour and the slightly crystalline, smooth yet tender texture had something to do with this. In most countries, including the rest of the English-speaking world, similar confections are referred to simply as coconut candies or coconut creams.

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