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Appears in
Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

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cranachan a Scottish dessert which became prominent in that role in the latter part of the 20th century, was originally a harvest festival version of the simple oatmeal gruel which was known as crowdie. For the festive version a coarser cut of oatmeal was used and cream was substituted for the water or buttermilk which provided the liquid element.

The basic modern version of ‘cream crowdie’ or cranachan is based on lightly toasted coarse-cut oatmeal and whipped cream, with honey or sugar as a sweetening agent. Other flavourings may be added. Fresh soft fruits such as raspberries may be incorporated in the mixture or served with it. In restaurant versions there may be a whole panoply of ingredients, including even Scotch whisky.

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