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Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

crevally or crevalle a name loosely applied to various fish in the family Carangidae, sometimes with an epithet attached, as in ‘jack crevalle’. The name is derived from the Latin caballa (meaning mare) via the Spanish caballa (a name for certain carangid fish). However, it is hard to disentangle the relationship between ‘crevalle/crevally’ and trevally. If, for example, one considers the list of species which are highly prized in Hawaii as ‘crevalle’ (or ulua, the local name) one finds that a couple of large ones, Caranx melampygus, the blue crevalle, which may attain a length of over 90 cm (35"), and C. ignobilis, which can be half as long again, feature in Australia as blue-finned trevally and giant trevally respectively.

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