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Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

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Croatia an almost exclusively Roman Catholic country, includes the old district of Slavonia and the ancient littoral province of Dalmatia. Until 1992 it was part of Yugoslavia.

The revival of national awareness, which took place in the 19th century, included also a lively interest in Croatia’s own gastronomic past, reflected in publications such as Croatian Cookbook (1976) which includes recipes from the 1876 original bearing the same title.

There is a marked distinction between inland and coastal cookery, due not only to contrasting climatic conditions, but also to differences in history. The connection of Croatia proper with Austria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire has strongly influenced its cuisine, which is C. European in character. The people of Dalmatia, on the other hand, were ruled for nearly four centuries by Venice before coming under Austrian rule, and it was not until the beginning of this century that they were united with Croatia. Not surprisingly, Dalmatian cookery is similar, after a fashion, to that of S. Italy and other parts of the Mediterranean, though the Dalmatians use more meat, especially smoked meat, and much less garlic and olive oil than is common in the rest of the Mediterranean.

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