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Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

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feijoa Feijoa sellowiana (syn Acca sellowiana), a small evergreen tree with grey-green leaves, is a native of S. America where it is found at high altitudes in parts of Argentina, Uruguay, S. Brazil, and W. Paraguay. It has been grown in other warm temperate zones of the world, usually as an ornamental; but it bears edible fruit and is sometimes grown commercially for this purpose, e.g. in New Zealand, where the flavour and keeping qualities of the fruit have made it popular.

The fruit is oval in shape, not more than 7 cm (3") in length, with a green, bloom-covered skin which may be blushed with red. The granular whitish flesh surrounding a pulp containing many tiny seeds has a flavour somewhere between pineapple and strawberry. The aromatic appeal of the fruit increases as it ripens.

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