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Fruit Salad

Appears in
Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

fruit salad an item which has adorned millions of menus in the western world, was first recognized as a dish in the mid-19th century. Mariani (1994) treats it as a precursor of the modern American term ‘fruit cocktail’ and says that American recipe books of the 1850s referred to ‘fruit salad’. Ayto (1993) says that the term seems to have been first mentioned (in Britain) by Mrs Beeton (1861).

Whatever its history, fruit salad is a simple concept. Fresh fruit is chopped up (unless already very small) and mixed together with the possible addition of wine or a little liqueur or other ingredient designed to enhance flavour or (as when a sprig of mint is placed on the salad) appearance.

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